PHYSIOLOGICA: You workout, and come out feeling MORE energised! HOW?


It's very counterintuitive; you go for your workout, and come out feeling MORE energised! HOW?

In a poll last week on my Facebook Group, "TIREDNESS AND LACK OF ENERGY" was by far the most common reason people gave for skipping workouts. BUT - annoyingly, if we'd actually exercised we would walk away more energised and more positive than if we'd just skipped it...

So how does this happen? What's going on?

Endorphin Release: Theres a big increase in the "Feel Good" hormones when we exercise. Especially in high intensity exercise. That's the buzz we get, and it lasts! People who train early often say it sets them up mentally for the day.

Improved Sleep: Exercise can boost both quality and quantity of sleep, leading to higher energy levels. New gym users frequently report improved sleep and elevated mood as the first things they notice when starting exercise.

Healthier Heart and Circulation: Exercise makes your body more efficient at using oxygen so you're less likely to be out of breath from daily activity such as walking and climbing stairs. A fitter heart means its not having to work so hard all day, leading to more energy.

Muscle Strength/Endurance: Muscles and joints become stronger from exercise. Fitter muscles demand less from the body and can cope with more activity without getting fatigued. The body becomes better at removing lactic acid and waste products from muscles, this all adds to the feeling of having more energy.

So when you're tempted to walk or drive past the gym next time, try and remember how amazing you feel after a workout. Then - grit your teeth, and go and get it done!

Lee Carnaby